Check Out our Coming Events!
- An Afternoon with Myles Himmelreich on November 2 from 1-4pm! Back by popular demand. Myles is an adult, impacted by FASD, who will share insight into FASD and offer support ideas for service providers and caregivers. Only $25 per person. Follow the link below:
FASD Afternoon workshop with Myles for Sevice Providers and Caregivers
- “Can You See Me Now?” An Evening with Myles Himmelriech for people impacted by FASD aged 13+ and their parents! November 2 from 6-9pm. Myles will support individuals to help their parents get to know them better. For more information about this interactive workshop. Follow the link below:
12887 FASD Evening workshop with Myles for Caregivers and Affected Individuals
Below is a list of available resources in the Niagara Region. Please click on the resource for more information.
- Alcohol Babies
- Bethesda
- Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara
- Contact Niagara
- Developmental Services Ontario
- Family Counselling Centre
- FASCETS Canada East
- FASworld Niagara
- FASD-Elmo Network
- Keys to Compassion Fatigue
- Parent Talk Information Line
- Pathstone Mental Health
- Lutherwood
- Motherisk
- Mutual Support Systems
- Red Roof Retreat